Fundação Oswaldo Cruz



Monografias da Biblioteca de História das Ciências e da Saúde


 Estes são títulos da Coleção José Reis incorporados ao acervo da Biblioteca de História de Ciências e da Saúde e listados para compor a Edição especial do Boletim de Novembro de 2020.




1. ADLER, Alfred; RANGEL, Godofredo; TEIXEIRA, Anísio (trad.). A ciência da Natureza Humana. São Paulo: Companhia Editora Nacional, 1961.




2. BARNES, Harry Elmer. The history of Western civilization. New York: Harcourt; Brace, 1935.




3. BERG, J. H. Van den; WATER, Francisco Van de (trad.). Pequena Psiquiatria: para estudantes e para os que colaboram com o psiquiatra. 3 ed. São Paulo: Mestre Jou, 1978. 




4. BRADDICK, H. J. J. The physics of experimental method. London: Chapman and Hall, 1954.




5. BRINTON, Crane. Ideas and men: the story of Western thought. London: J. Cape, 1951.




6. BÃœNNING, Erwin. The physiological clock: circadian rhythms and biological chronometry. 3 ed. London: English Universities Press, 1973.




7. BURNET, Macfarlane, Sir. Dominant mammal: the biology of human destiny. Melbourne: Heinemann, 1970.




8. CHILDE, V. Gordon. Social evolution. London: Watts, 1951.




9. CROCE, Benedetto [et al]. Freedom its meaning. New York: Harcourt Brace, c1940.




10. DARLINGTON, C. D. Darwin's place in history. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1959.




11. DE CAMP, L. Sprague; DE CAMP, Catherine C. A história da ciência nos Estados Unidos. São Paulo: Cultrix, 1969.




12. EYSENCK, Hans Jurgen. Sense and nonsense in psychology. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1958. 




13. EYSENCK, Hans Jurgen. Smoking, Health and personality. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, c1965.




14. FERRI, Mário Guimarães; MOTOYAMA, Shozo. (coord.). História das ciências no Brasil. São Paulo: E.P.U., 1979.




15. FRIED, Morton; HARRIS, Marvin; MURPHY, Robert. (ed.). War: the anthropology of armed conflict and aggression. Garden City, New York: Natural History Press, 1968.




16. GALDSTON, Iago. The impact of the antibiotics on medicine and society: monograph II. New York: International Universitues Press, c1958.




17. HAASE, Hans J; JANSSEN, Paul A.J. The action of neuroleptic drugs. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1965.




18. HEISENBERG, Werner. Physics and beyond: encounters and conversations. New York: Harper & Row, 1971.




19. HOLTON, Gerald; BLANPIED, William A. (ed.). Science and its public: the changing relationship. Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel, 1976.




20. HOSSRI, Cesário Morey. Treinamento autógeno & equilíbrio psicotônico. São Paulo: Mestre Jou, 1978.




21. HOYLE, Fred; WICKRAMASINGHE, Chandra. Evolution from space. London: J. M. Dent, 1981.




22. KENYON, Dean H.; STEINMAN, Gary. Biochemical predestination. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969.




23. LÉVI-STRAUSS, Claude. The savage mind. Chicago: The University of Chicago, c1967.




24. MEDVEDEV, Zhores A. Soviet science. New York: W. W. Norton, 1978.




25. MICHENER, Charles D; MICHENER, Mary H. American social insects: a book about bees, ants, wasps, and térmites. New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1951.




26. MILLER, David F; BLAYDES, Glenn W. Methods and materials for teaching biological sciences: a text and source book for teachers in training and in service. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1938.  




27. MORLEY, Derek Wragge. The evolution of an insect society. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1954.  




28. NEW York Academy of Medicine. The march of medicine. New York: Columbia University Press, 1941.




29. RAMSEY, I. T. (ed.). Biology and personality: frontier problems in science, philosophy and religion. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1965.




30. RICKARD, Henry C. (ed). Behavioral intervention in human problems. New York: Pergamon Press, c 1971.




31. ROCHA-LIMA, Henrique da; REI, José; SILBERSCHMIDT, Kar. Methoden der virusforschung. Berlin: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1939.




32. SIGERIST, Henry E. The great doctors: a biographical history of medicine. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1958.




33. SINGER, Charles. From magic to science: essays on the scientific twilight. New York: Dover, c1958.




34. VANDERPOOL, Harold Y. (ed.). Darwin and Darwinism: revolutionary insights concerning man, nature, religion, and Society. Lexington, Massachusetts: D. C. Heath, 1973.